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How to Clean Grill Grates Weber

How to Clean Grill Grates Weber

Grill gates weber are way more useful when you like to grill your food most often. However, for having a perfect grill all the time, you need to know how to clean grill grates weber. Otherwise, it will become a suitable place for harmful bacteria. Well, cleaning a grill grates weber is a bit messy, but don’t worry. In this article, we are going to provide you with a complete guide on how to clean grill grates weber. Before that, make sure to stick with the article until it ends.
There is no one who doesn’t love to grill on a Weber Grills. However, more importantly, we need to make sure that we clean them throughout the year. A dirty grill weber has a significant impact on your food. It will not allow you to have your desired taste and texture from your preferred food. Even for the uncleanliness of a grate creates a risk of a fire hazard, which may lead you to some unwanted accident. If you got a grill grates like that, don’t worry. There are a lot of us out there, with the same problem.

Well, for knowing the exact process of how to clean grill grates weber, you are going to need some supplies. Now let’s talk about the supplies.

Supplies for Cleaning a Grill Grates Weber

Some supplies are required, for having a proper clean of your suitable weber. These are the following.
Cleaning gloves.
A grill brush.
Warm soapy water.
A non-lint terry cloth.
A mild glass cleaner.
A mild stainless steel cleaner.
Paper towel.
And a paint scraper.

How to Clean Grill Grates Weber- Methods

Make sure that the outside lid is cool when you are going to clean the weber, and then let’s get started.


Start by washing the grill exterior with warm soapy water. Rinse it properly and then wipe it to dry.


Secondly, you have to clean the stainless steel parts. You can use a mild stainless steel cleaner. After that, wipe with the parts with a non-lint cloth. It would be best if you use a side to side motion with the grain and then buff. Thus the exterior parts of the lid are cleaned. Now, let’s clean the inside of the lid.


Inside of the lid, you will notice a deposit of grease and smoke. These carbon deposits should be removed to build up on a regular basis. For doing that, brush the carbonized grease from the inside of the lid by using a stainless steel grill brush. Next, wash it with warm soapy water and then rinse it properly.


You might notice some discoloration. For that, you are required to use warm soapy water and a sponge with a non-lint terry cloth and repeat the cleaning process accordingly. Make sure to clean until the excess residue is removed correctly.


Now, let’s concentrate on the flavorizer bars and cooking grates. Start the process by brushing the bars or the grates with the stainless steel grate grill brush. Then wipe and clean them with a rag warm, soapy water. Thus you will find the grill clean like the new one.


Finally, it is time to clean the burner tubes. For doing that, you have to take the cooking grills or the flouvarizer bars out of the grill. Remember that you will need to clean each burner tube individually. Start the process by taking your grill brush. After that, proceed to clean the ports in an up and down motion. It is recommended not to brush lengthwise across the ports. If you do that, it will only push the debris from one hole to another.
If you have a new genesis grill that has front located control knobs, then you will go left to right. If you have a spirit or an older Genesis model, and the controls are on the right side, you will clean in an up and down motion.


The burner tube’s cleaning process has been shown. Now, it is time to clean the rest of the parts inside of our grill. Well, some of you might have heat deflectors inside there, you are going to follow the same procedure as cleaning your flavorizer bars. When you look inside the cook box, you will see big pockets of grease accumulation or food particles. You need to clean them, and for that, you can use a putty knife or flat straight-edged object. With these tools you can scrape excess grease into the bottom tray from the inside of the cook box. 

Later, you have to remove the bottom tray from under your grill and place it carefully in a trash can. Then scrape the inside of the tray with a putty knife. After that, clean the tray with warm soapy water and a fine steel wool pad. Next, remove and dispose of the dirty aluminum drip pan. Then repeat the process of cleaning with warm soapy water and rinse. Replace the drip pan with the new one and change the aluminum catch pan liner frequently. Make sure never to line the bottom tray with any type of foil.


When you clean the grilling racks, you should always use warm soapy water and a fine scouring pad. Just make sure that you are so careful, so you don’t scratch the surface. Then you have a rinse and dry it properly. Finally, the cleaning is complete.


We all love our Weber grills, but let’s love to clean and maintain them. It’s going to help with the longevity and the performance of our barbecue grills. “How to clean grill grates weber?” Hope, you have found your desired methods. You can check the manual for replacing your parts while cleaning and always happy grilling.
