How to Clean Microwave With Apple Cider Vinegar

How to Clean Microwave With Apple Cider Vinegar

Most of us don’t even think of cleaning our suitable microwave until it gets really dirty. Cleaning a microwave oven is easier if you can use apple cider vinegar. But how to clean a microwave with apple cider vinegar? Well, it will be the easiest task if you follow the instruction accordingly by this article. Even you will be able to perform the hole cleaning process within a short time. Before that, make sure to stick with us until the article ends.
Because of the extreme use of this machine, it usually becomes dusty. Generally, foods are found splattered inside of it. As a result, your microwave oven will not heat up your food as like as before. If you are already having a problem with the heat up them, it is time to clean your microwave properly. For cleaning your microwave, you can use your preferred products. While, most of people use baking soda, lemons, etc. But using an apple cider vinegar can be more efficient. It will allow you to have a new look at your microwave oven. Well, skip these and let us discuss the fact “How to clean a microwave with apple cider vinegar?”

How to Clean a Microwave With Apple Cider Vinegar? – Methods

Cleaning your suitable microwave with apple cider vinegar is not as hard as you are thinking. It takes approximately ten minutes to complete the whole cleaning process. Well, before starting the process, you need to have some required tools and materials. These are the following.


A microwave-safe bowl


Apple cider vinegar.

A drop of lemon oil.

Now follow the instruction, and let’s get started.

Instructions for Cleaning a Microwave With Apple Cider Vinegar

First of all, you have to fill the microwave-safe bowl with water. Use two cups of water. After that, add the apple cider vinegar of two tablespoons. You can also add one drop of lemon oil for resisting the vinegar smell. It’s not compulsory; you can use it if you wish to.

Take the toothpick and drop it into the bowl. Thus it will prevent the boiling out of the water from the edges. Then put the bowl into your preferred microwave which requires some cleaning.

After that, heat the mixture inside of your microwave at a high temperature. The heating should not last more than four minutes. Remove the bowl in due time. Then wipe the inside of the microwave by using the sponge.

The steam of the mixture will make the stains soft enough to clean it out easily. Scrub the interior parts along with the top, sides, and the doors appropriately. Repeat the swiping process accordingly until the microwave began to shine like the new one.

Equipment to Clean With Apple Cider Vinegar

Vinegar is way more useful. With apple cider vinegar you will be able to clean some more equipment. Let’s discuss them.


Scissors eventually get dirty no matter wherever you put it. Your scissor requires a clean when you will find that blades are sticky. At that time, wipe the blades with a cloth which is moisture with apple cider vinegar. Vinegar will prevent rustiness of the blade. Thus you will be able to extend the scissors’ life.

Coffee Pots and Kettle

Apple cider vinegar works great on the home appliances. It will allow you to have proper cleaning of your home appliances without ruining them. Simply, pour them in a cup of vinegar and then soak them properly. Eventually, you will have fresh appliances than before. The process may leave a vinegar taste while having a coffee. That’s why; you should rinse the insides adequately.

Bathrooms and Toilets

Usually, you spend a lot of money and effort on bathroom cleaning products but stay unable to have the desired clean. Well, with the apple cider vinegar, you can easily remove all the annoying stains and odors from your bathroom. For that, take some apple cider vinegar and water in equal amount in the sink. Then soak it for one hour. Next, rinse and dry properly. Thus you will be able to clean it with less effort and a short time.

Defrost Windows

When you live in an icy area, you are familiar with a frozen window car. You can use vinegar to prevent that. For that use a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water 3:1 in proportion. Spray the mixture in your vehicle. The acidity of the vinegar will help as the prevention of ice frost.


Vinegar has more usefulness that you can’t imagine. Even you can use it as a replacement for fabric softener, for removing the stickers from the cloths and much more. The fact “How to clean microwave with apple cider vinegar?” hope it is clear now and hopefully you will not use vinegar for making salad only from now one.
