What Kind of Snow Blower Do I Need?
A snowblower may be either a cool-luxury or an utter requirement, based on the place you’re living in. But they are really great for cleaning your walkways efficiently. In a short time, you can clean all those heavy blocks if you can acquire one from the best snow blower brands.
But depending on the requirements of the users, there are actually different types of snow bowlers. So, if you’re a newbie, it’s literally hard to pick a perfect one for you. By being overwhelmed with the comprehensive versions of snowblowers, you’ll then wonder, “what type of snow blower do I need,” isn’t it?
Look, before purchasing any of these items, you’ve to first consider certain things. These are namely the amount of snow you have to clean in an average during the winter? Or how much widely you need to clean the path to get your cars out safely?
If your driveway is close to the road and your garage is connected to your house, then you won’t have to buy a heavy-duty machine. You can make the job done with a simple snow shovel (obviously an appropriate one). On the contrary, if your living area faces the snowstorms more than three times a year, then a snowblower machine is only for you. So, without any delay, you need to find the best deals on snow blowers.
As now, you’ve intended to buy one; let’s discuss the types of snowblowers first.
Types of Snowblowers

Single-stage Electric Snowblowers

Remember, we’ve asked what will be the perfect item to clean shorter walkways or driveways, where the snow level isn’t more than six inches? Well, it’ll be the single-stage electric snow blowers for sure. Frankly, these are the perfect item to clean the small area in the most natural way. Moreover, the electric snowblowers are the quietest and lightest versions to use precisely.
Generally, it’s equipped with a plastic auger and a chute. The auger breaks the snow blocks and pulls them inside while the chute throws them away.
As the machine operates on electric power, you won’t have to fuel or perform any maintenance. There will be a power cord, and you have to plug it in. But using a power cord will limit the range. And you’ve also to put your pets at a safer distance. It’s because these machines can throw gravel so they can get hurt. However, within their range, they offer unmatched performance.
Battery Powered Single-stage Snow Blower

These are quite similar to the electric version, but you won’t have to plug them in for the operation. They’re battery-powered, and that’s why they get started instantly. By using this type of snowblowers, you can avoid the use of oil or gas, and there will be no need for engine maintenance too. Most of these machines are suitable for light snow levels, while some of these are capable of removing 9-inch deep snow.
But in most cases, they just run out of juice. So, it’ll be better if you only use them for a light dusting on your suitable walkways.
Single-stage Gas Snow Blowers

If you need to clean medium-sized, paved entrances and paths, then the single-stage gas snow blowers will be the best option for you. These machines can easily clear snow that is around 9 inches thick.
If you don’t want to get stuck within a certain boundary due to the cord, you can simply switch to the single-stage gas snow blowers. Well, these versions will free you from cord constraints within a very reasonable price. Yes, you’ve to pay less than large two-stage and more powerful machines. Umm! They aren’t actually a bulky version, which is why there are much easier to handle. Their compact size won’t take much space either. These models are also capable of clearing broad swaths (20 to 22 inches), and if you can ensure a top brand, you will get an electric start too.
They often use four-cycle gas engines, which operate on direct gasoline without the use of any type of oil. But the auger of these machines only provides moderate friction strength and continues to veer sideways on steep slopes. So, on the gravel driveways, they may not work as your expectations.
Okay, that was enough talking about the single-stage snow blowers, now, let’s see what a two-stage and three-stage snow blower can provide.
Two-stage Gas Snow Blowers

If your driveways are a bit long and wide, then these machines will be perfect for you. Two- snow blowers are appropriate for the snow at a depth of 16 inches. Well, some of these machines offer great usability. They can handle 30-inch wide swath easily while some of them can operate with the steeper inclines too.
The mechanism in these models is similar to the previous models. They simply use an auger to collect and pass the snow. But in comparison to the smaller models, these are integrated with a fan-like propeller right behind the auger to throwing the snows out in a precise way from the chute. That’s why they are powered by engine-driven wheels to incorporate with the process.
Frankly, smaller models were not ideal for the removal of snow on gravel, but if you were searching for that type of service, you should choose the two-stage snow blowers. Actually, these are a bit expensive and weighs more than the smaller models. That’s why they are more efficient than other models.
Three-stage Gas Models

Notably, these are the latest item in the market of snowblowers and specially designed for the homeowners who need to clear snow level of 18 inches or more. So, if you’ve to deal with the heavy snow, you can bring one of these, home.
The accelerator is the unique function that distinguishes these power blowers from traditional two-stage machines. As its title indicates, this function will boost up the entire snow clearing process by scraping snow from the pick-up augers and driving it into the discharge impeller.
These machines come with the capability of clearing up to 30-inch wide snows at a time and sometimes even more (through the higher models). But these models are more expensive than others (they should be according to their features), and due to their bulky size, they take a lot of space for the storage. Well, if you’ve limited space for storing the machine, you can look for the 24-inch models.
Final Words
These are the types of snow blowers available on the market. We’ve been attempting to cover all of their features to make it understandable to you. Hope it’s going to be easy enough to pick a snowblower depending on your needs and preferences. So, you have no longer face the confusion by saying, “What kind of snow blower do I need?”